Benchmarking Ammonia + Methanol + Fertilizers


pictureWe were making the wrong decisions based on assumptions that we had held to be true. The PTAI analysis revealed that we were not as competitive as we had believed. Our performance paradigms clearly had to be changed at the top and throughout the organization.”


“We did not fully understand how the margins on various product lines could be optimized. When we were able to see our costs in a true competitive context for the first time, we made some dramatic changes in our sales strategies that almost immediately improved our gross margins.” 
SVP, Sales and Marketing

“We realized that our sales incentives did not fit our competitive strategy.”
Director of Sales

“Our competitive position had changed, but we were able to learn why and how to change course with reliable information. The type of benchmarking cleared our vision and gave us the facts to act.”

Workforce Efficiency

The Industry Leader in Benchmarking Ammonia + Methanol + Fertilizers

In 2013Phillip Townsend Associates acquired Plant Surveys International (PSI) the global leader in benchmarking Ammonia, Urea, and Methanol operations. PTAI has expanded further in nitrogen based fertilizers with benchmarking nitric acid and ammonium nitrate. Learn more here >>.

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